The MAT program provides the aquarium unit itself, livestock, supplies, technical support and service to each tank which is recorded in a web-based log that can be quickly accessed to show that the unit meets proper health standards. Each aquarium is designed with custom made artificial Coral, crystal clear acrylic glass, a UV sterilizer and tank-bred fish. Currently, there are a total of 6 units in use within the Chicago Metropolitan area, each wrapped in thermal medical grade panels to fit within the hospital setting.
Every week, the units get serviced to maintain the stellar health of the fish and ensure the aquarium is in tip top shape!
As mentioned above, every unit has a built in UV sterilizer located underneath the fish tank. All MAT unit’s actually use an Aqua Ultraviolet Classic 15 Watt UV sterilizer to provide the purest water for our fish friends.
UV is a proven dependable method for controlling algae, bacteria and protozoa. The UV lamp emits a germicidal ray which alters or disrupts the DNA or RNA of single celled organisms when they flow through the unit. UV sterilizers control the spread of fish disease and keeps your water clear by destroying free floating algae.

Aqua Ultraviolet is the leading manufacturer in the Water Filtration Industry and supports the Mobile Aquatic Therapy program! Our advanced ultraviolet technologies ensure the best possible water filtration solution across all applications! De-stressing is an important part of mental AND physical health, an aquarium can help relax individuals in high-stress situations such as being hospitalized.
You can check out the MAT units and other aquariums designed by Something Fishy on their Instagram @fishychicago ! or go to their website at http://fishyonline.com/therapy/ for more information.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @aquauv !
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