Our ultraviolet water sterilizer uses the best and latest technology for disinfecting water, combined with beauty and modern design for an enhanced user experience.
How It Works

The ultraviolet light sanitizer emits a germicidal ray that alters or disrupts the DNA or RNA of single-celled organisms.
Ultraviolet technology is a proven method for controlling algae, bacteria, and protozoa.

Aqua Ultraviolet water purification systems will eradicate these organisms without leaving any harmful residuals.
The UV light sanitizer also controls the spread of fish disease, viruses, and other harmful pathogens while keeping your water clear by destroying free-floating algae.

Aqua Ultraviolet’s water sterilizer will clear your water in 3 to 5 days—sometimes overnight—and keep it that way.
Performance is guaranteed when the system is sized, installed, and operated according to our instructions.
Classic 8 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 5-200 gals / Flowrate – 642 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 1500 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 70 gals / Flowrate – 214 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 15 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 200-500 gals / Flowrate – 700 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 2000 gallons
- Salt Water Sterilize to 75 gals / Flowrate – 233 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 25 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 500-1200 gals / Flowrate – 1200 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 4000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 150 gals / Flowrate – 400 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 40 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 1200-2000 gals / Flowrate – 2900 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 6000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 325 gals / Flowrate – 967 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 57 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 1500-3000 gals / Flowrate – 3200 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 6500 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 355 gals / Flowrate – 1066 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 80 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 2200-4400 gals / Flowrate – 3678 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 9000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 600 gals / Flowrate 1226 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 114 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 2200-4400 gals / Flowrate – 3900 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 9500 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 700 gals / Flowrate – 1300 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 120 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 4400-6000 gals / Flowrate – 4080 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 12,000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 900 gals / Flowrate – 1360 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 160 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 6000-8500 gals / Flowrate – 5400 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 16,000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 1200 gals / Flowrate – 1800 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 200 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 8500-13,000 gals / Flowrate – 6600 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 20,000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 1500 gals / Flowrate – 2200 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic 240 Watt*
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 13,000-17,000 gals / Flowrate – 7200 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 25,000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 1800 gals / Flowrate – 2400 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
Unit Measurements
Classic Series – Classic Series Sterilizers are perfect for both experienced and non-experienced end users. Ultraviolet light sanitization is versatile technology used for disinfecting water, other opaque liquids, hard surfaces, and air. Using the same germicidal rays as the sun, but hundreds of times stronger, ultraviolet water sterilizers offer a reliable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to chemicals and their resulting by-products.
UV Sterilization is a purely physical process, so it doesn’t alter water’s chemistry, taste, smell, or pH.
The Classic Series ultraviolet water sterilizer is compact and lightweight, making it ideal for ponds, aquariums, and water features. Classic Series units are designed for maximum ultraviolet light sanitization and effectiveness.
Classic Series Brochures and Guides
- Classic Series Healthy Water Brochure
- Classic Series Clear Water Brochure
- UV Chart – Fresh & Salt Water Brochure
*Aqua Ultraviolet does not recommend utilizing Wipers with Salt Water. If utilized in this manner, it will void the warranty on the Wiper parts.
Where do I install my UV?
The best place to install your Aqua Ultraviolet water purification system is after the filter. If an after-the-filter installation is not feasible, your ultraviolet sterilizer can be installed before the filter, but it will take a little longer to work. If installed before the filter, be aware that a small rock passing from the pump can break the quartz sleeve. It is recommended that if you install your unit before your filter, you periodically check the ultraviolet light sanitizer for any water leakage due to a broken quartz sleeve. Be sure to have adequate pre-filtration to prevent breakage. (A broken quartz sleeve and any damage caused by a broken quartz sleeve is not covered under warranty.)
Do I have to turn my UV off when I clean my filter?
Yes, but only if the chamber is drained or if the water will remain at a standstill for more than 30 minutes. Note: Running longer than the recommended time without water flow can cause extensive damage to the unit that is not covered under warranty.
What should I expect after my ultraviolet water purification system is installed?
If your Aqua Ultraviolet system is installed after the filter and is properly sized, the water should be clear in 3-5 days. If your Aqua Ultraviolet water sterilizer is installed before the filter, the water should be clear in 7-10 days. The green algae on the sides and bottom of the pond will not disappear; this is normal in a pond. The UV light sanitizer does not control this type of algae.
What’s the difference between a sterilizer and a clarifier?
As a sterilizer, your Aqua Ultraviolet water sterilizer will keep your pond or aquarium water crystal clear. Additionally, you’ll benefit from bacterial control, which helps keep your fish healthy and reduces the risk of disease.
As a clarifier, the algae in your pond will be reduced, but your pond may still have a green tint unless you have 50-75% plant coverage, or your pond is in full shade.
Do I install my ultraviolet light sanitizer vertically or horizontally?
You can install it either way. The Wiper version should be installed horizontally to keep the wiper seal wet.
What should my flow rate be on my pond or freshwater aquarium?
The optimum flow rate for your pond or freshwater aquarium is to turn over the volume of water one time every hour to every hour and a half.
What should my flow rate be on my saltwater aquarium?
Your flow rate should be 3 to 5 times the volume of water per hour.
Should I bypass part of my water through the ultraviolet water purification system and the rest back to the water supply?
No. Our ultraviolet water sterilizers are specifically designed to handle high flow rates for easier installation and optimal water quality.
Is this unit submersible?
No, not this specific series.
Does the UV light have any residual effect on the fish?
The UV light sanitizer only affects what passes through the chamber. There is no residual effect from ultraviolet light sanitization.
Does the UV kill good bacteria?
Ultraviolet light sanitizers do not discriminate about what they destroy. If good bacteria pass through the ultraviolet water sterilizer, they will be destroyed. However, beneficial bacteria colonized in your filter and along the sides and bottom of your pond will not be affected unless they become free-floating and pass through the system.
How often should I change my lamp?
The lamp should be changed after 14 months of continuous use
Are all UV lamps of the same length the same wattage?
No. The power output of the lamp is not determined by its length; other factors, such as the amount of mercury it contains and the power supply that feeds the lamp, govern this.
- Looking for a replacement part number? Take a look at the Classic Series – Parts List